Wednesday, July 27, 2011

First post attempt from my phone!

Just wanna see if sending a video works! Ledger was cutely dancing a wild head dance when I wasn't really of course when I video it becomes a very subtle head bob, but still cute in my opinion:)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My Top ___ (However many this comes to!)

This won't be 100 games, but hopefully more then 10.. I'm going to start from #1 though since I don't know how many there will end up being (however many I have ever played probably haha), not as exciting as most peoples Video game lists but I'm doin it anyways!!

1) Rock Band
-I love Rock band obviously, it's fun and a great group game, plus we have some great memories playing this game with Heath and Lisa!.. not to mention a variety of things to do, so it doesn't really get old!

2) Wii Sports
-Another game with variety and it's just a blast! Plus it has bowling which is the ONLY thing I have EVER in our history together beaten you at!!! Gotta be proud of that!

3) Karaoke Revolution
- Same as Rock band.. it's fun to play with people! Plus it's fun to hear you (Steve) sing! Sing star is good to but I'm not adding it since it's basically the same game, only I like this one better because it is easier to fallow the words you are singing! although I will add that sing star playing the music video in the background is a plus!

4) Wii (can't think of the name.. where you do all those little balancing and shaving etc.)
- This one probably wouldn't normally be on of my favorites but the one time we rented it we had such a blast playing it with Tyler and Ericka, just one of those goofy fun ones we had fun playing!

5) Burn-out
- This one might even be higher (couldn't decide) simply because it brings back great memories of us dating! When we would play it with Amy forever it was such a blast to just crash into things! It was probably the first real video game (aside from Mario Brothers) I have ever played, and it was very addicting! Mostly love it for the memories though! (lame I know!)

6) Wii Fit
- Although short-lived I love this game! It was a genius idea! I do believe it serves it's purpose if you use it correctly and often, you will get more fit! I just think it was a really brilliant idea for a video game, get off ours butts when we play something:)

7) Wii- World of Goo
- Only played it once so far, but it was a blast! Silly little game of goo balls but totally my type of game! (obviously my type is totally different then you gamers!) It's fun to play together and totally bizarre haha!

8) Mario Kart
- I remember playing Mario Kart in 4th grade and I used to love it, I have never been very good but it is a great fun game, that's not too hard! Who doesn't like Mario Kart!

9) Simpson's
- I don't actually remember exactly what this game did but I remember playing it with you and having a blast, it was fun just roaming the Simpson's city, not sure why exactly, just remember liking it!

10) Mario Galaxy
- Watching you play was always fun, then when you had me play I actually enjoyed it! It's a very pretty game and the way they made the little worlds is awesome! It is just the right amount of easiness/ thrill for me haha!!

11) Guitar Hero
- I like this game a lot but since rock band it's just not the same! I love it cause it is when we started hanging out with Heath and Lisa a lot and we loved it so much when it came out! It's not its fault a more superior game came out after! It just lost it's flare!

- I know this game is totally lame now, but I used to LOVE it.. the drums were awesome and it was so entertaining to play! Another Heath and Lisa game.. what game isn't fun with them! Good times!

13) Mario Brothers
- Good classic game, played it when I was little! But let's face it.. it's boring now!! totally boring!

14) Calamari (sp?)
- The music in this game is fun! I actually like watching people play more then actually playing, but it's really cute and pretty challenging!

15) Fighting game (no clue what this one is called)
- We played this when we were dating and I thought I would hate it but it was actually really fun! (we were just fighting each other..?) I remember winning a few times, you used strategy and I just went crazy.. which worked every so often! I felt so proud when I would knock you out:) Whatever to impress you!

16) Duck Hunt
- Also played this when I was young.. actually the first game I have a distinct memory playing.. which should give a higher position.. but it's not that fun of a game.. and I doubt if I was ever very good at it! Another classic though!!!

Well I'm sure I have sampled a few more games then that but those are the ones that come to mind!! Obviously my list is completely different from everyone else's, and my reasoning's for them have nothing to do with the actual quality of the game, and are a little lame, but this is who I am as a video game player, haha..! I wasn't technically 'invited' to do this anyways.. So I guess it's OK if I did it a little differently! ..
Rather stressing though, I don't know how you are doing it with 100 games! It's about time for your next 5 probably to!!!
Thanks, this was fun! Good times! and I should say thanks for introducing me to pretty much all the games on this list!

Friday, November 7, 2008

One of the Best

Chrono Trigger.
Need I say more?

Jared's top 10 games of all time

10. Zelda Ocarina of Time

This game needs no introduction or explanation; it's no stranger to top-ten lists by any means, and for good reason.

9. Half Life 2

The king of shooters. Its predecessor pioneered atmosphere and immersion in video games, and Half Life 2 reinvented that wheel to spectacular results.

8. Starcraft: Brood War

Were it not for Starcraft, the entire real-time genre would have fallen off the map years ago. Its three factions were so diverse and so well balanced, the speed was so tuned and fast, there were big strategies, small tactics, and everything in between. Plus, it came with a very easy-to-use map editor with a ridiculous amount of potential that was so fully realized by the community, there were amazing new things to do for years.

7. Diablo 2

With its randomly-generated environments and loot, near-infinite character customization, and addictively rewarding moment-to-moment gameplay, Diablo 2 kept me fully entertained for months at a time, again and again throughout the years.

6. Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition

The best edition of the best entry in the series. With 4, Resident Evil had become more than meaningful again. Great action, great thrills and chills. A real winner.

5. Mass Effect

Bioware's always made great RPGs, and their last great RPG, Knights of the Old Republic, might have taken this spot on the list were it not completely blown away by Mass Effect. Fantastic story, characters, universe, skills, combat, acting, choices, and on and on; you name it.

4. Quest for Glory 4

The Quest for Glory series is the lesser-known cousin of great point-and-click adventure games of the early '90s, but unlike its peers, this series provided way more than the standard linear progression. You got to create a character; with a class, stats, skills, and equipment how you choose. You could buy and sell things, fight monsters with blades and magic, and/or explore off the beaten path and find treasure. Almost all of the puzzles had at least three different ways to solve them, geared toward each class, but the way you built your character was unique; you could learn magic as a fighter, learn to sneak as a magic-user, or gain a concience as a theif and become a paladin. Best of all, the story and your character persist through the whole series, letting you see all five games through totally different eyes if you so chose. While they're all lighthearted in nature, Quest for Glory 4 is the best in the series for its darker tone, great and fully-voiced characters, and particularly great story.

3. Rock Band 2

Not much needs to be said about this one. It's a great, feel-good party game anyone can enjoy, and it's the only game I've ever seen that can be played and loved for hours on end... for years on end.

2. System Shock 2

All of Bioshock's qualities are directly lifted from this game. If you know Bioshock, you know pretty much how this game plays, but this is an RPG, too. Probably the creepiest and most atmospheric game ever made, System Shock 2 also provides an engrossing, well-told story with surprising twists.

1. Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin

This one is going to take some explaining. Normally, I'd have put Super Metroid in this spot, and I'm sure a lot of people wouldn't find that too surprising, even not knowing me personally. But I tried to think of things more objectively, removing any unnecessary nostalgia that may be holding back a more recent but more worthy game. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night sprung to mind immediately, as it was obviously directly inspired by Super Metroid and improved upon it in just about every way possible. But did even that game hold up against more recent Castlevania games? Surely the creative minds behind that incredible game could have the chance to do it again. Turns out they did do it again; while it's hard to go from the big screen TV to a DS, Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow did improve upon Symphony in a lot of ways. But then a year later, Portrait of Ruin stole the show and somehow made itself an even more compelling experience. No small feat, to be honest.

Portrait of Ruin is basically like Symphony of the Night, except you had two characters you could switch between at any time, tons more secrets, unlockable characters, and had a huge world to explore, a great story with so many different endings, loads of new enemies, weapons, magic spells, union attacks, great bosses, multiple difficulty levels, astoundingly great-quality, catchy music, and unbeatable, fluid movement and combat minutiae. Hands-down the best game of all time.

For me, at least.